Thursday, October 20, 2005

Sydney Blue Gum - Batemans's Bay Oct '05

These are the leaves, nuts and buds of a Eucalyptus Salinga which is easily confused with a flooded gum (Eucalyptus Grandis). The best test is supposed to be that the slightly protuding valves curve outwards in the Blue Gum and inwards in the Flooded Gum which is a bit hard to see in this sized photo. Anyway the forest we saw on our way back from Eden was lovely, though a little worn by humans on the edges. It ran back from an overgrown picnic area between Bateman's Bay and Uladulla where we had lunch.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Newnes - Industrial ruins site - Sept 2005

I love the carefully bricked archways which are prominent in these ruins - windows and doorways built to last. The site is well sign-posted and worth a visit even if you don't like ruins but love a stroll in the bush. Excellent for twitchers also. Lyrebirds in easy view for the quiet walker. Newnes near Lithgow, NSW.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Garden - Leigh and Denise Issell

Early spring at the Issell's small farm near Shepparton, Victoria. Not content with a beatiful front and back garden, this garden greets you on the right hand side of the driveway. (Leigh is a horticulturist and his wife loves gardens.) This shot was taken in 2004